Saturday, January 4, 2014

The side streets of Provins, France

In 2001, the town of Provins was listed as a UNESCO Heritage Site.  This mediæval town, once under the authority of the Count of Champagne, was the site of the annual champagne auctions.  It can be reached easily from Paris by train (about 90 minutes, no changes).  We ate at one fabulous restaurant, which claims to be the oldest hostel in the world (see previous blog).

This is an excellent place for pedestrians interested in exploring a mediæval city wall (not shown here), mediæval churches kept in fine condition, shops of all sorts, restaurants, and a mixture of architectural styles.  The upper town is the oldest and walled portion, and can be reached by climbing 100+ steps as I recall. 

We enjoyed exploring a few of the side streets in Provins as we walked to and from the tower and train station.  These photos provide brief glimpses into the real life of the town.  For more information on the town itself, see my two blogs entries below (after the one on Philadelphia).

I am assuming that the seeds are for birds.  If so, this is as practical a bird feeder as one could possible devise.

The medieval church looms in the distance.

Several streams run through lower Provins, with houses and gardens on their immediate banks.

I would need to stoop quite low to get through this entryway.  Everything seems to be slightly off level.

Two students begin to climb the 100+ steps up to the upper mediæval village.