Monday, December 19, 2011

Vancouver Cantata Singers' 9th annual Christmas Reprise 2011

The Vancouver Cantata Singers performed its 9th annual Christmas Reprise at the Holy Rosary Cathedral on Saturday afternoon, December 17th, 2011.  The first photos record just a bit of our dress rehearsal the previous evening in the Cathedral.  The reverberant sound is very satisfying for choral music.

The next afternoon, Jesse Read once again took photographs of the concert from the organ loft at the back of the cathedral.  You can almost spot him in the balcony, leaning over the camera on the tripod.

This Spanish carol kept singers moving.

12 men from the choir + our singing conductor.

Bibel's Ave Maria is sung from the three aisles at the conclusion of each Christmas Reprise.

Watching music--watching conductor
The audience stood to join enthusiastically in singing The First Noël at the end of the concert.