Our photography class recently had a three-hour shoot in the general area of Main Street and Broadway (9th Avenue) on a sunny but cold afternoon. The first photo shows our excellent teacher, Ian, patiently explaining the afternoon's assignment. He is now shooting mostly with a 50m lens for the more natural perspective. I used primarily my 70-200m zoom because I hesitate to get close to my subjects and I am thinking in the telephoto mode these days.

Truck hood (nobody in class could guess what it was)

Looking through a telephone booth

Thorns on Thorns: Lent 2009

Reflections, looking to the north on Main Street

Although the following shot doesn't work (I was too far from the people), I include it because of the juxtaposition of clutter and austerity. Two friends were just settling down on the sunny porch for coffee, having a great time together. I was struck by their joy, in the midst of all the junk (shoes dangling from telephone wires, garbage cans, cold parking lot, window bars). By contrast, I get to sit in a beautiful garden for my coffee, surrounded by flowers and birds. I was impressed that these gals were having just as much fun as if they were in southern France.

Garage door


This was take an hour later, much farther west on Broadway. I was trying out a teleconverter for my 70-200m, here shooting at 400m from inside the store, looking at Ten Thousand Villages, one of my favourite Third World shops.