People cannot recall such a cool spring in Vancouver as the one we are enjoying. (I say "enjoying" more as someone who adores flowers than as a golfer.) The tulips, which I expected to be shredded from their stems by the recent rains, are still glorious. Both the cultivated and the native bleeding hearts are just coming into bloom, the periwinkle is reminding me why it is a favourite west coast ground cover, and Vancouverites will be enjoying spectacular displays of rhododendrons for at least three more weeks. Slugs, on the other hand, will enjoy cherry blossoms for another 10 days and then feast on our new lettuce, beans and peas for months to come.
These pictures were taken on a misty Saturday morning, under dark skies. Unpredictable breezes forced me to push shutter speeds up to 1/640th of a second (ISO 200). I tried to find exposures which would emphasize the hues of the damp greenery so it could serve as blurry background for the more forward spring colours.